He : What happened ? She : Nothing! He : Tell me, please She : Nope, nothing! He : Uff! Tell me dear.. She : Nothing, it's okay. He : Let me know dear! She : Who's that girl? He : Who?! What! What's your problem? She : Huh ! Huh ! Huh ! Huh He : what Huh ??!! She : Has Ullllu Has!!!!!! He : Ab yeah Kya? She : Huh :/ He : You possessive girl ?! She : Huh !!!! "Huh'' - A simple 3 letters word ! But many time this word carries a deep meaning! Try to learn the human behavior through emotions. This is not just an onomatopoeia, feel it. Once you start feeling your near and dear ones' emotions , you will learn to love the meaning of life by replacing the hedonism concept . Get a life ! Make it larger not with things that are materialistic but with the people you love ! Love more , than you hate ! Because, Love you Zindagi 10x times. !! 😍
Pluviophile! Dreaming is fine , but you have to welcome the discomfort zone to be the inspiring blue ribbon! (This blog pertains to Entertainment, Poetry, Abstract Gizmos, Diurnal ldeas, Mournful Dilemmas, Happy Continuation, Tragedy's Slurp, Sports Geek and Many etc you will find after having cursory glance on it ! ) ....!! Love from Shibani ♥️