Main Tenu Samjhawan Ki closer - the chainsmokers Love is in the air ! Is it ? or Favorite Playlist on your Phone ? This valentine.. Let's not give rose to anyone ! Let's not propose anyone ! Let's not give chocolate to anyone ! Let's not give Teddy bear to anyone ! Let's not Promise anyone ! Let's not Hug anyone ! Let's not Kiss anyone ! Let's not make anyone valentine !! So, what can you do ? Select your top 10 most favorite songs that are literally made with the feel of romance and crazy heartbreaks ; and make your loved ones ecstatic by sharing that playlist !!! While doing this , you will be able to make them smile through their hearts. Life goes on, Love goes on , then definitely good music should keep you going !! You love him ! He loves you ! Then why break ups ?!! Here you will see the list of my top 10 favorite songs ! Will you please cooperate and suggest some more good songs . "10" The song at No 10 ...
Pluviophile! Dreaming is fine , but you have to welcome the discomfort zone to be the inspiring blue ribbon! (This blog pertains to Entertainment, Poetry, Abstract Gizmos, Diurnal ldeas, Mournful Dilemmas, Happy Continuation, Tragedy's Slurp, Sports Geek and Many etc you will find after having cursory glance on it ! ) ....!! Love from Shibani ♥️