Then l drew a line for you, Now l'm building a bridge for you A bridge of hope To find the beauty of mother nature! Your Spring and my autumn have sideswiped ; Your notebook of nature and my pen of rain, have found a slope To accumulate inconsistent prosperity. And , There comes, The Hypothetically Polymath Shenanigans Who hold interests in all the hot summers And intensely romantic winters! Then a pluviophile arrives, Who adds beauty to the ones Who wish to get refreshed after Every second minute of universe's Conspiracy! There comes a dendrophile, who captures, All the high trees and Befitted living room's Bonsais. There comes the most underrated Daydreamer of our society, who keeps a desire to be an Astrophile To give us a realisation about, The long yearned star stories and the moon epilogues. And they ask, "Do you love nature?" Finest rejoinder by a green panther, "l don't pay much heed to such unessential inquiry." Amids...
Pluviophile! Dreaming is fine , but you have to welcome the discomfort zone to be the inspiring blue ribbon! (This blog pertains to Entertainment, Poetry, Abstract Gizmos, Diurnal ldeas, Mournful Dilemmas, Happy Continuation, Tragedy's Slurp, Sports Geek and Many etc you will find after having cursory glance on it ! ) ....!! Love from Shibani ♥️