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Perks of being a Nemophilist!

Then l drew a line for you,
Now l'm building a bridge for you
A bridge of hope
To find the beauty of mother nature!

Your Spring and my autumn have sideswiped ;
Your notebook of nature and my pen of rain, 
have found a slope
To accumulate inconsistent prosperity.

And , There comes, 
The Hypothetically Polymath Shenanigans
Who hold interests in all the hot summers
And intensely romantic winters!

Then a pluviophile arrives, 
Who adds beauty to the ones
Who wish to get refreshed after
Every second minute of universe's

There comes a dendrophile,
who captures,
All the high trees and 
Befitted living room's Bonsais.

There comes the most underrated
Daydreamer of our society, 
who keeps a desire to be an Astrophile 
To give us a realisation about,
The long yearned star stories and the moon epilogues.

And they ask, "Do you love nature?"
Finest rejoinder by a green panther, 

"l don't pay much heed to such unessential inquiry." 

Amidst nature you will find me
You will miss me , You will celebrate me, You will cherish me. 

Happy World Environment Day! πŸŒ±πŸŒΏπŸƒ☘️πŸ€πŸͺ΄πŸŒ΅πŸŒ΄πŸŒ³πŸŒ²πŸ’š


  1. keep writing regularly. Lovely piece of writing

  2. Nice feeling about nature... Just applause

  3. Beautiful phrase....always keep writing such lovely lines .....

  4. Keep going I'm really loved it😻 & wonderful phrase keep writing..... ❤️


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